Tuesday, 13 April 2010

Anne writing for CNN

Anne wrote a great piece for CNN's "Census: Who Am I?" series:
After the surgery and the radiation and the 2½ years of chemo, I was pronounced "in remission." During this time, as I split my time between homes in London, England, and New York City, I did several 10K races, indoor rowing competitions, and the UK Three Peaks Challenge. These events transformed my life physically, emotionally and spiritually. Brain cancer was a wake-up call for our whole family. The shock wasn't that I was going to die, but that I had forgotten that I was going to die. We all are. Life isn't a dress rehearsal.
It made the front page of the Opinion section - check out the whole piece and share away!

1 comment:

  1. Great article - congrats on starting your biking journey. I'll be cheering you on from Ohio and checking in on the blog for updates!
