Sunday 27 June 2010

More Acts of Kindness

We've been noticing more and more how strangers are so kind to Brains on Bikes. At the Chimney Rock Campground at Lake Harrington in Kentucky there was a knock on the RV door. Don, the owner, gave me our rental fee back saying he had visited the website and didn't want to take money from us. Just then a woman passed by whose mother had died of a brian tumor. She got braceletes for her entire family.
A few days ago Brian the owner of the Diamond Lake Resort in Owensboro, Kentucky was so very kind to Brains on Bikes. His Dad had died of brain cancer and he understood our cause. He is making Brains on Bikes the sponser of his July 4th Show and Fireworks(10,000 people attend). It's a very special resort and I suggest going. I regret not having a picture of him but I will always remember him.
And what about the London to Brighton Brains on Bikes event. Patrick writing to me about it said: "im absolutely jelly today!
can't even speak...hardest thing i have ever done. im broken. what a great day!!"



  1. Anne:

    I have been following your journey across the United States. It is a remarkable task that you have undertaken. I noticed that you just passed the 3000 mile mark.

    Last year, I only drove my car about 3000 miles!!! I can only imagine what it must be like to do it on a bicycle.

    Best to you, Gundy, and Walter on the final days of your journey. I will continue to follow you online.

    David Hueben
    Overland Park, Kansas
