Sunday 4 July 2010

It's the Final Countdown!

We entered Virginia today-our final state before Washington DC. Irritatingly I have a head cold and its making the sharp steep hills of the beautiful Appalachians hard for me. Today I could only do 36 miles of a planned 54 ride. Feeling better I would love this ride especially since its our last challenge before the end. I am on the mend though so hopefully before the hills are over I will enjoy them. No matter what I will ride into Washington on July 17.
Have you noticed our new homepage? Please do because there you find an invitation to meet us on the 17th. You can cycle in with us or meet up with us at the end point. But please join us. The more the merrier!

1 comment:

  1. I am THRILLED at your endeavor and endurance! You are an inspiration to me! Hooray!
