Tuesday 24 August 2010

Saying Goodbye and Saying Hello

Yesterday Gundy brought with her lots of the photos from the ride. We are making a short film about the trip and what it meant for us because as Brains on Bikes moves forward it's good to have a record of what we have done - from the cycling itself to meeting so very many kind and brave people. We picked up random pictures and spoke about when they were shot.

My worktable was covered with photos.

This morning I looked carefully at each one as I straightened up my desk. I said goodbye to the cycle trip but not to the people I met. To our fans and friends I say hello. Together for us this is the beginning.

Gundy and I are still thinking about our next USA event. Meanwhile we have decided to row across the English Channel early next summer. For one day we will be Brains on Boats. I am terrified for lots of reasons- I have never rowed on the sea, for one. It requires a very different kind of fitness than I have and so I have a lot of work to do. But I do love a challenge.

A news flash! StandUp2Cancer has invited me to their Fundraising Show on September 10. I will on the phone banks so look for me among the sea of celebrities. I will post more about it in the next few days. Thanks to SU2C for helping BoB raise brain cancer awareness!

1 comment:

  1. Congratulations on the StandUp2Cancer! I'm glad to see that you are able to help raise awarenes and funds for cancer. It's been a little strange not seeing all the updates on my facebook wall every day! Good Luck with the Brains on Boats!
