Monday, 25 January 2010

Prepping Walter

My younger daughter Sade and I went for a drive to Brighton with Walter this past Saturday. We thought it would be good for Walter who hasn't at the tender age of 10 months spent much time in cars. In less than three months he will live on the bus with the brains on bikes team. Well he didn't have a good time in the beginning. He threw up several times and the car smelled ripe but happily by the end of the day he settled down. I will take him out in cars several times a week until we leave. His life is about to change as well so any way we can help him adjust is good.


  1. Peter says walter looks kind of like an old tree :)

  2. I am posting at this late time a response because I finally figured out how to. You are right Sara he is adorable and Molly he doesn't look like a tree(please inform Peter) but a wise monkey man.
